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[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)

2015-08-17 10:49 | 来源: 网络整理 |

[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  Celebrities across China are outraged at their unauthorized wax figures being included in a museum in Sichuan Province that has been dubbed by netizens as "the ugliest wax museum."


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  The museum, located in the city of Huayingshan, contains wax figures that many visitors have said don't resemble the celebrities they are supposed to depict.


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  Wax figures of celebrated actresses Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li are standout figures amid the dismal attempts. Both figures, which share very little likeness to the two stars, are seen wearing out-of-date sportswear. Taiwan singer Jay Chou is also a notable figure seen among the wax likenesses, but he is dressed in an outfit straight out of 1980s, rather than anything that can be considered contemporary. [Photo: Gzdaily]


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  Many visitors reportedly didn't know who was supposed to be depicted in each wax figure, until they say the figure's name plate. [Photo: Chinanews]


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  Ling Lucas, Zhang Ziyi's agent, expressed her indignation at the poorly-scultped wax figure being on display without her authorization. She added that Zhang will have her lawyers send a letter to the museum to have her wax figure taken down.


[娱乐] 史上最丑蜡像馆 明星不能忍!(双语)


  The sub-par wax likenesses are the work of Zhang Shouxiang, a former curator at the Beijing Wax Museum. He defends his widely-criticized work, saying that it is normal for a wax figure to not look exactly like the person it is supposed to depict.

  版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus 英语环球广播


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